Wednesday, August 30, 2006

books - definite maybe

ジョージ・オーウェルの Animal Farm とポール・オースターの The New York Trilogy 。
前者は前から読みたかった本。一度時間つぶしに入った本屋で数ページ読んでとっても面白く読みやすかったので。後者のポール・オースターは映画『スモーク』(このリンクの下の方にあるお薦めリストを見てびっくり。ほとんど見てる!!moreをクリックすると90本くらい映画が出てくるのでチェックしてみ。)で知ったニューヨークの作家でいつか彼の本を読んでみたかったので、本屋で見ていたらこの本を発見。この本に含まれている3作品はバラバラに出版された物だが、3作が1冊になっている物だけでも3種類出ていた。私が買ったのはこのClassics Deluxe Edition。紙がざらざらしていてなんだか素敵だったのでこれにしました。(後でふと気づきAmazonで見てみたら400円も安く売っていてショック。)各作品の最初の数ページを読んでみたけどこれまた読みやすく凄く面白い!先が気になる話でした。楽しみ。

I went to "work" for a meeting today. I had nice lunch with friends. I still had an hour to kill until the meeting so I went to a book store. I'm not a bookworm (I wish I was...) but I love bookstores. The bigger, the better. It's just so exciting to be surrounded by all those different kinds of books. But at the same time, I get disappointed and anxious. I don't know how many books exist out there. It is definitely impossible to read them all, I know that, but still, I can't help blaming myself for not reading many books in my life ! So, whenever I go to a bookstore, I get motivated and buy new books even though I don't read much. I have many unfinished books (Can this mean "I have books I haven't finished writing? I hope not...) and books I haven't even touched, so I really shouldn't buy new books but I do.... And I bought another two. Surprise, surprise.
I bought George Orwell's Animal Farm and Paul Auster's The New York Trilogy. I was going to buy AF eventually and I had always wanted to read Paul Auster's.
(I am a huge fan of a film called Smoke.)
So, I keep buying books and don't read. Well, I do read but very, very slowly.
I just want to say here that I thank you for the books you loaned me or gave me. I WILL get to them.
Maybe it would be a perfect chance for it if I get injured and hospitalised or something. hehe.