Monday, August 28, 2006

ugetsu monogatari


その後、いつものようにER XIを見ていたら、今日がシリーズ最終回だった。

I just watched a 1953 film called Ugetsu Monogatari, which I had been kind of hesitating to watch because it looked really scary. I thought I should give it a try as it was on TV tonight. And I was so impressed. Yes, it WAS really scary and sometimes hard to watch but at the same time, it was very beautiful and strong, and well told. I liked the memorable last line from the wife but I'm sure this film could have been well told and remarkable without any dialogue.
Although I haven't seen many, I like old films, both Japanese and foreign, becuase of the purity of film making and story telling, and I think they represent each character very deep/strong.
I'm looking forward to watching more of Kenji Mizoguchi and other old films.

And I watched an episode of ER XI after that.
It was happened to be the last episode of the series.
So sad.