Friday, September 01, 2006

i haven't fotgotten about you

なんと、最後に見た作品は2000年のミリオンダラーホテル(この映画、ヴィム・ヴェンダースっていうだけでロンドンで一人で見に行ったのでとっても良く覚えている。)で、その後26本も出演していた。全作品が日本で劇場公開されたとは思えないけど、でもそんなに見逃しまくってていいのか?良くない。全然良くない。特にヴィム・ベンダースの Don't Come Knocking(邦題は『アメリカ、家族のいる風景』だった...)なんて出演してるの知ってたし絶対見たかったのに、どうやら2月に公開していたらしい...知らなかった。昔はよく新作映画をチェックして見に行ってたなぁ。最近はどこでチェックすればいいのかすら分からない。やっぱり映画館に通ってチラシを集めたり予告を見たりしないといかんね。

まだまだ現役、頑張る我らがBeastie Boysの『ビースティ・ボーイズ 撮られっぱなし天国』を見ました。これは彼らの音楽が好きなら絶対みたいハズ。ファン50人にビデオカメラを渡し、とにかく撮り続けろ!と指示。それを後で編集したのがこの映画。お揃いの黄緑色のジャージ姿で登場した3人はどう見てもお笑い芸人という感じで面白い。でもやっぱりカッコいい。ニューヨークはビースティがスキなんだねーみんな踊りまくってた。観客の中にはベン・スティーラーがカワイイ奥さんと一緒にいた。

A friend told me the other day that there was news about Tim Roth at Yahoo. My favourite British actor, Tim Roth !!!
However, I haven't seen him on screen for....six years !!! The last film I saw was The Million Dollar Hotel by Wim Wenders. That was in London....I only knew it was Wenders' and I went to see it alone. I understand if some people don't like this film but I quite like it.
Anyway, there are 26 films which Tim Roth appear since The Million Dollar Hotel. I have 26 films to catch up. This is not right. I definitely have to check films more and often. I used to check almost every new film and everyone asked me about them if they want to know what is showing.... What's wrong with me??

But actually, I went to see a film today, titled Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That!. It's a Beastie Boys' live footage, which was shot by 50 fans. It's really fun !! If you are fond of their music, you should check this out. They come to the stage with light-green tracksuits, and to me, they look no one but comedians (they cracked me up!), but they are great. They are having fun and so are the fans, which includes Ben Stiller with his pretty wife. The last song was Sobotage and the crowd went crazy. I wonder if someone got hurt and bleeding. I'm not so sure if I want to experience that but I want to go see them when they come to Japan next !!