Ran (1985)
I thought I hadn't seen it but I actually had, and I thought it was about battles between the brothers. It actually is but my impression of this film changed this time. It is more like about individual's struggle. And if Kumonosujo (Throne of Blood) is about Mifune Toshiro, then Ran is about Nakadai Tatsuya, who plays the father.
I always feel Kuroswa films are luxurious (most significant is time, I think) and Ran is most distinctive one. I've read that he thgouht this would be his last film so he put a lot of effort to it, financilly and time-wise. He spent ten years to complete the script, and the production cost is $12m, he used 12,000 actors, 30,000 technicians, 15,000 horses (he doesn't rent horses: he buys and trains them), and the shooting took almost a year!! And you can appreciate this huge scale of film on screen.